Thursday, January 8, 2009


I'm trying to incorporate more veggies! I bought the biggest bag ever of the normandy blend veggies from WalMart. It has a combination of broccoli, carrots, cauliflower,zucchini, and squash. I steamed them in olive oil and it was pretty good, my 3 year old just finished eating some and said "mama this is good". If a 3 year old can eat it I can!
egg beaters, 2 slices turkey bacon, whole wheat slice
veggie blend
brown rice
veggie blend
lean cuisine hot pocket -chicken,spinach, low fat cheese and mushrooms, it was pretty good considering I don't like cheese! i could barely taste the cheese in this one
I've been drinking water however not as much as I should have by now. I'm posting this early because I have plans to get some scrappin' done tonight or at least try to get the room organized!
treadmill 32 min.
stairmaster - 11 min on level 1
Thanks for stopping by,

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